DNA Gel Essentials

July 19, 2017

-Our popular DNA Ladders have a great reputation for their consistent results. That’s why at Lamda Biotech we have an array of DNA Ladders that make it easy to determine size with clear sharp bands. They are all premixed, ready-to-load and come with 6X DNA loading buffer!

One of our customer favorites is our DNA Safestain because of its easy to use and safer alternative to Ethidium Bromide. Replacing Ethidium Bromide with our DNA Safestain is better for your health and environment.

Special Features:

  • As sensitive as EthBr
  • Excitation at 290nm and 490nm
  • Good for DNA and RNA


Blue Light Box: LED Transilluminator 

UV light is very unsafe to work with as it can hurt your eyes and damage your DNA samples. A better and safer alternative would be the LED Transilluminator! With the LED Transilluminator, it uses BLUE light which is safe for your DNA. Lamda provides two sizes for convenience.

Special Features:

  • Safe, bright blue light
  • Works well with any DNA Safestain
  • Convenient for gel viewing .
